Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Wiki


Book Description[]


November means that it's time for the Shichigosan holiday, a rite of passage for all Japanese children. Of course, Zetsubou-sensei is quick to point out that rites of passage don't end with childhood. There are many different rites of passage in the world. For instance, a manga assistant's rite of passage is spilling coffee on the storyboards for the first time. And we mustn’t forget the important rite of passage that any true Zetsubou fan must undergo. What is it, you ask? Why, buying a copy of Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei volume 8, of course!


Chapter 71 - Duty and Soldier

Chapter 72 - Gone with the Numbers

Chapter 73 - Shichigosan-Shirou

Chapter 74 - You're Seventeen Years Old...Don't You Wanna Grab Your Wrinkles?

Chapter 75 - Matasaburou Gets a Cold

Chapter 76 - Unwanted Items in the Tempei Era

Chapter 77 - The Turtle's Fraud

Chapter 78 - A Woman's Role

Chapter 79 - The Baby Who Swallowed a Go Stone

Chapter 80 - The Not So Narrow Gateway
